"Coaching is Unlocking a Person's Potential to Maximize Their Growth" - John Whitmore

Blog Posts

On Turning 50, Collecting Symbolic Totems, and Considering What We Can Learn From the Past Year

Just because I’ve collected these things this past year doesn’t mean I have to take them with me going forward. I want to become more intentional about what I keep, what I change and what I let go of.

Posted in Blog, Routines

Set yourself up for SUCCESS

tying running shoes

With a dose of forethought and clarity, we can achieve even the most daunting of tasks.

Posted in Blog, Routines

Your Guide to Good Routines

Recently, I had a kidney stone problem. If you’ve had them, you understand the excruciating pain they cause, and if you haven’t, consider yourself lucky! I discovered my issue was not drinking enough water. I wasn’t drinking enough water because

Posted in Blog, Routines Tagged with: ,

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