Dreams Don't Work Unless You Do

Blog Posts

5 Tips on Using Affirmations

I have a confession: I don’t like the word “affirmation.” It sounds hokey, trite, and downright annoying. However, the impact of affirmations is anything but. Affirmations are statements of emotional support and encouragement that help us create the reality we

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Understanding The Fear of Failure & Success

It’s time to talk about fears, and what better time than the weeks leading up to Halloween? To be clear, I’m not referring to scary costumes or horror films. Rather, I’m focusing on the fear of failure and success. As

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Monday is My Shabbat

I’ve posted about routines, and I want to share one that I’ve been practicing for years: making Monday my Shabbat. I’m using the term loosely here in that I don’t go to synagogue on Mondays, but I do make it

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Make Your Focus Your Reality

Oh the brain. That soft, grooved, and spongy organ looks like it belongs nestled in a coral reef rather than in our heads, operating our human minds and bodies. The brain controls a lot–thoughts, feelings, and body mechanics–but it also

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Anchor Yourself to Success

Around New Year’s time, I noticed they were selling bracelets that you could enscript one or two words on. You could literally wear your resolution, but it felt bigger to me and allowed me to set an intention for the

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Letting Go So That You Can Move On

My daughter took dance for years. As a dance mom (I admit it) I shuttled her from competition to competition, watching her perform in an activity she loved. She eventually stopped–though it wasn’t her choice–and when she didn’t make a

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The Incredible Impact of Volunteering

Volunteering every summer at Camp I Am Me is one of the highlights of my year. Camp I Am Me is the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance leadership program for children and teenagers who have experienced injuries from burns. I’ve cherished

Posted in Blog, volunteering

Your Guide to Good Routines

Recently, I had a kidney stone problem. If you’ve had them, you understand the excruciating pain they cause, and if you haven’t, consider yourself lucky! I discovered my issue was not drinking enough water. I wasn’t drinking enough water because

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First Vlog Ever

Posted in Interesting Things

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